Helleborus Verboom Beauty P9

SKU 087425 Categories ,


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This unique hellebore is the first white-flowered form that has the potential to be in flower on Christmas Day. If kept in a pot, it can be brought inside in November (to a bright spot well away from a radiator) and it should soon produce masses of buds that open over several weeks. After 4-5 weeks, it should be gradually acclimatised to outdoor temperatures and then planted out in the garden, where it may continue to flower intermittently for another few weeks. This plant makes a great seasonal gift, but is equally useful for livening up a shady spot in the garden during the winter.

  • Position: partial shade
  • Soil: heavy, neutral to alkaline soil
  • Flowering period: November to January
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

Bulbs must not be eaten

Ferndale Daisy only