Plastic pots, Bottles & more


The recent ITV Tonight program ‘The trouble with garden centres’ highlighted some of the issues faced in running modern thriving business. Ferndale Garden Centre is committed to continually reducing our impact on you and our region.

Loving plants so much as we do & knowing the amazing benefits to our all our lives and the environment we understand the need to make the most of our planet & it’s resources.

We are very actively involved in influencing the industry as our director Neil Grant represents Horticultural Trades Association members in the North East of England on a national committee. Part of our discussions for many years has been how to influence suppliers, retailers & Government a like regarding environmental impacts.

The HTA was actively involved in the ‘taupe’ pot introduction, the peat reduction discussions with government & bio-security (the possible introductions of foreign pests & diseases). You will have seen the taupe pots & heard James Barnes from the HTA talk of new the schemes to control pests & diseases.

One of the main reasons that peat free compost haven’t been widely bought & used is that they were literally rubbish. Peat made the best compost. That has changed this year with the introduction of Westland’s reformulated NEW HORIZON compost. Of course the quicker peat extraction ceases the better.

We can always do more & we are. The black pot problem is starting to change and recycling by specialist companies via garden centres is on the way.

You can find out much more via this link on our web page.…/plastic-pots…/

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