How to choose plants for patio pots and hanging baskets


Selecting patio & bedding plants isn’t difficult but if you place without a simple plan you will never see the potential they could have.

Using the Thriller, Filler & Spiller principle with a small range of plants will give you amazing results that people will comment on, and you never need to tell them how you did it.

Thrillers include

  • Zonal Geraniums
  • Upright Fuchsias
  • Cordylines
  • Argyranthemums

Fillers include

  • Petunias
  • Impatiens
  • Pansies 

Spillers include

  • Basket / Patio Pot packs
  • Lobelia
  • Surfinias
  • Calibrachoa (Million Bells)
* for autumn & winter ideas see below.


With he introduction of PEAT FREE composts, growing techniques need adjusting. Peat free compost appear to dry out quickly, but that might just be the surface. Push your finger through the surface to check. In very hot weather regular checks are vital. 

For patio pots and baskets using a multi-purpose compost add a water retaining gel (        ) or use ready prepared compost such as Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Compost. This also includes 3 months of feed.


If using a general multi purpose peat free compost with added water retaining gel an Gro-Sure All Purpose 6 Month feed granules for the most flowers you can have. 

Now that the standard composts are PEAT FREE their characteristics are that they don’t hold plant food, as a consequence we recommend extra liquid feeding especially towards the end of the summer. 

We recommend Westland ‘Boost’, which is designed for peat free composts, is high potash which is ideal for healthy growth AND many more flowers.

*Autumn & Winter Thrillers:

  • Small conifers
  • Hebe
Autumn and Winter Fillers:
  • Pansies
  • Primroses 
  • Violas
  • Dwarf Narcissus
Autumn and Winter Spillers
  • Ivy
  • Aubretia
  • Alpine Phlox

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